$(function () { function gmenustylepage() { if (!!this.domenustyle && this.domenustyle === 1) { return ''; } this.domenustyle = 1; $("#g-web-ul-menu").menustyle(); } gmenustylepage(); var n = 0; $(window).resize(function () { this.domenustyle = 0; if (navigator.appname == "microsoft internet explorer" && (navigator.appversion.split(";")[1].replace(/[ ]/g, "") == "msie7.0" || navigator.appversion.split(";")[1].replace(/[ ]/g, "") == "msie8.0")) { if (n % 2 == 0) { this.domenustyle = 1; gmenustylepage(); } n++; } else { gmenustylepage(); } }); $(".w-system-in").addclass("clearfix"); }); function substrkeywordinfo(keyword) { if (keyword.length < 1) { return keyword; } var _keyword = $(".input-search-w").val(); var html = ""; var issearch = true; for (var i = 0; i < keyword.length; i++) { if (keyword[i] == '<') { issearch = false; html += keyword[i]; continue; } if (issearch == false && keyword[i] == '>') { issearch = true; html += keyword[i]; continue; } if (issearch == false) { html += keyword[i]; } else { var str = keyword[i]; if (str == _keyword[0]) { var k = i; var isfull = false; for (var j = 0; j < _keyword.length; j++, k++) { if (keyword[k] == _keyword[j]) { isfull = true; } else { isfull = false; break; } } if (isfull == true) { i = k; str = "" + _keyword + ""; } } html += str; } } return html; } function substrkeyword(keyword) { if (keyword.length < 1) { return keyword; } function htmlspecialchars(string, quotestyle, charset, doubleencode) { var opttemp = 0 var i = 0 var noquotes = false if (typeof quotestyle === 'undefined' || quotestyle === null) { quotestyle = 2 } string = string || '' string = string.tostring() if (doubleencode !== false) { // put this first to avoid double-encoding string = string.replace(/&/g, '&') } string = string .replace(//g, '>') var opts = { 'ent_noquotes': 0, 'ent_html_quote_single': 1, 'ent_html_quote_double': 2, 'ent_compat': 2, 'ent_quotes': 3, 'ent_ignore': 4 } if (quotestyle === 0) { noquotes = true } if (typeof quotestyle !== 'number') { // allow for a single string or an array of string flags quotestyle = [].concat(quotestyle) for (i = 0; i < quotestyle.length; i++) { // resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'ent_ignore' becomes 4 if (opts[quotestyle[i]] === 0) { noquotes = true } else if (opts[quotestyle[i]]) { opttemp = opttemp | opts[quotestyle[i]] } } quotestyle = opttemp } if (quotestyle & opts.ent_html_quote_single) { string = string.replace(/'/g, ''') } if (!noquotes) { string = string.replace(/"/g, '"') } return string } function htmlspecialchars_decode(string, quotestyle) { var opttemp = 0 var i = 0 var noquotes = false if (typeof quotestyle === 'undefined') { quotestyle = 2 } string = string.tostring() .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') var opts = { 'ent_noquotes': 0, 'ent_html_quote_single': 1, 'ent_html_quote_double': 2, 'ent_compat': 2, 'ent_quotes': 3, 'ent_ignore': 4 } if (quotestyle === 0) { noquotes = true } if (typeof quotestyle !== 'number') { // allow for a single string or an array of string flags quotestyle = [].concat(quotestyle) for (i = 0; i < quotestyle.length; i++) { // resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'pathinfo_extension' becomes 4 if (opts[quotestyle[i]] === 0) { noquotes = true } else if (opts[quotestyle[i]]) { opttemp = opttemp | opts[quotestyle[i]] } } quotestyle = opttemp } if (quotestyle & opts.ent_html_quote_single) { // php doesn't currently escape if more than one 0, but it should: string = string.replace(/�*39;/g, "'") // this would also be useful here, but not a part of php: // string = string.replace(/'|�*27;/g, "'"); } if (!noquotes) { string = string.replace(/"/g, '"') } // put this in last place to avoid escape being double-decoded string = string.replace(/&/g, '&') return string } var _keyword = htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode($(".input-search-w").val())); keyword = htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode(keyword)); return keyword.replace(_keyword, "" + _keyword + ""); } function inputkeyword(string) { function htmlspecialchars(string, quotestyle, charset, doubleencode) { var opttemp = 0 var i = 0 var noquotes = false if (typeof quotestyle === 'undefined' || quotestyle === null) { quotestyle = 2 } string = string || '' string = string.tostring() if (doubleencode !== false) { // put this first to avoid double-encoding string = string.replace(/&/g, '&') } string = string .replace(//g, '>') var opts = { 'ent_noquotes': 0, 'ent_html_quote_single': 1, 'ent_html_quote_double': 2, 'ent_compat': 2, 'ent_quotes': 3, 'ent_ignore': 4 } if (quotestyle === 0) { noquotes = true } if (typeof quotestyle !== 'number') { // allow for a single string or an array of string flags quotestyle = [].concat(quotestyle) for (i = 0; i < quotestyle.length; i++) { // resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'ent_ignore' becomes 4 if (opts[quotestyle[i]] === 0) { noquotes = true } else if (opts[quotestyle[i]]) { opttemp = opttemp | opts[quotestyle[i]] } } quotestyle = opttemp } if (quotestyle & opts.ent_html_quote_single) { string = string.replace(/'/g, ''') } if (!noquotes) { string = string.replace(/"/g, '"') } return string } function htmlspecialchars_decode(string, quotestyle) { var opttemp = 0 var i = 0 var noquotes = false if (typeof quotestyle === 'undefined') { quotestyle = 2 } string = string.tostring() .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') var opts = { 'ent_noquotes': 0, 'ent_html_quote_single': 1, 'ent_html_quote_double': 2, 'ent_compat': 2, 'ent_quotes': 3, 'ent_ignore': 4 } if (quotestyle === 0) { noquotes = true } if (typeof quotestyle !== 'number') { // allow for a single string or an array of string flags quotestyle = [].concat(quotestyle) for (i = 0; i < quotestyle.length; i++) { // resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'pathinfo_extension' becomes 4 if (opts[quotestyle[i]] === 0) { noquotes = true } else if (opts[quotestyle[i]]) { opttemp = opttemp | opts[quotestyle[i]] } } quotestyle = opttemp } if (quotestyle & opts.ent_html_quote_single) { // php doesn't currently escape if more than one 0, but it should: string = string.replace(/�*39;/g, "'") // this would also be useful here, but not a part of php: // string = string.replace(/'|�*27;/g, "'"); } if (!noquotes) { string = string.replace(/"/g, '"') } // put this in last place to avoid escape being double-decoded string = string.replace(/&/g, '&') return string } return htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode(string)); }